Matt Lauer, co-anchor on NBC’s hit morning program, “Today”, is reportedly resigning from the show when his contract ends on December 31, 2012. News of Lauer’s departure surfaced on Wednesday, April 6, one day after the news broke that his co-anchor, Meredith Vieira, also plans to leave the show after her contract is up this September. Both Lauer and Vieira have become fan favorites on “Today”, adding to its success in remaining the number one morning program on television for over 15 years, and a primary source of profit for NBC.
There has been much speculation surrounding the future of the show without its winning lineup. With Lauer and Vieira both leaving around the same time, there is a great possibility that such a void will disrupt the longstanding success of the show, leaving NBC in a problematic situation. Rumors have already circulated surrounding replacement hosts, naming “Today’s” Ann Curry as the main contender. The “Today” show released a statement on Wednesday saying, “There seems to be an awful lot of speculation around news anchors these days, and it's not our practice to comment on any of it. Matt Lauer has a long term contract with NBC News and ‘Today.’” The network has declined to comment any further on the rumors. This is a smart decision for NBC, allowing them ample time to try and renegotiate with Lauer and Vieira, or take the necessary measures needed to prepare for the possible “Today” transition.
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